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Power plant industry

Safe. Powerful.

Your service partner

As a long-term and successful partner of the power plant industry, we are at your side when it comes to modifications, repairs or maintenance of power plant components and support you in the construction and manufacture of individual plant components. Our qualified employees ensure a high level of availability of your power plants and thus secure productivity.

As your competent partner, we offer among others following services:

Maintenance, inspection, repair, construction, conversion and expansion of

  • stacking and destacking equipment and coal handling equipment
  • bucket wheel excavators and conveyor systems in surface mining
  • silos, bunkers and transshipment facilities such as ship unloaders
  • coal grinding plants and coal dust pipes
  • ash, slag and residue removal
  • hot gas lines, raw gas and clean gas channels
  • pipelines, pumps and fittings in the low pressure range
  • chain conveyors, bucket elevators, screw conveyors and rotary valves
  • electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters and FGD systems
  • air and gas preheaters
  • cooling water circuits and condensate lines
  • steel construction for complete production plants, platforms, stairs and railings
  • pipe bridges, conveyor bridges and housings
  • gravity filters and water treatment

Qualified staff

with many years of experience in assembly, maintenance and repairs

  • supervisor
  • senior fitter
  • fitter
  • locksmith
  • welder
  • electrician